Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Easter 2012

This year for Easter we traveled to Winnsboro to see my parents.  I haven't been home in awhile so it was nice to get to spend a few days there.  We had fun hunting eggs, going out to eat, and just generally playing with the kids.  The weather was so nice and I really enjoyed getting to see several people I haven't seen in awhile.  Sadly, my children were acting their usual on a Sunday so we didn't get any pictures of them together in their outfits. :(  I was, however, pleasantly surprised at how well the kids got into hunting the eggs and surprisingly didn't fight over them.  They are finally getting to that age where they are fighting a bit over what's "mine mine".  Sometimes I just let them hash it out on their own but there are a few cases where I have to step in and intervene so we all come out nice and unharmed rather than with battle wounds.  I love that they are playing together and for the most part they play together really well.  I also love LOVE the fact that they have been putting on these little concerts for us lately.  I'm hoping I can get one of my little videos to upload soon because it is such a hoot!

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