Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I know I know……for the 20 people that follow my blog and are wondering if I or my family is still alive, yes, yes we are.  I feel like as summer was coming to an end and school starting was upon us I just kind of got lost in the hustle and bustle of every day life.  As most of you know, both kids are in school this year so my life got a little more crazy hectic.  I'm also a room mom for Kyleigh's class which entails a little more than I was anticipating…..I couldn't love it any more….most of the time :)

We have been so busy these past few months I don't know that I could actually go back and document every single thing because well lets face it….I'm lazy and don't want to take the time.  I will however try and post several pictures from all of our adventures over these past few months and hopefully that will give most everyone a glimpse into what we've been up to.

As the new year has started, I have tried to set "goals" for myself instead of "resolutions".  You will be happy to know that one of those goals is to try and blog more.  I set this goal every year and have yet to reach it so here's to hoping this year is different.  So, for those of you still reading I hope to be caught up to the present by this weekend.  Thank you for sticking around….hopefully one of these people who stuck around is my mom or my grandma lol.  I'm afraid they might have given up on me…...

1 comment:

  1. I am committed to your blog :) Looking forward to updates!
