Friday, May 27, 2011

To My Sweet Baby Girl.....

Where do I start? I can't believe a year has passed since you came into our lives. I knew this day would come eventually but I think I kept telling myself it was "a ways into the future". Little did I know that the future would creep up on me like a roaring freight train.

I tried to prepare myself mentally and emotionally but I don't think I anticipated your birthday hitting me this hard. You are my last baby and making through that first year is such a milestone. I guess I never thought much about it with Cooper even though I was so thrilled to have made it through that first year with him because he was kind of our "guinea pig". Your dad and I were just like everyone else and continually learning and weaving our way through the joys of parenthood. You, on the other hand, were much easier for us because we all ready knew what to expect. I think that is why I took the past few months for granted that they would last longer than they did.

You have been such a joy to watch over these last 12 months. You have learned so much in such a short amount of time by watching your brother ever so intently. I must say that you catch on rather quickly although some things I really wish he did that you would ignore...haha. We love watching you explore even though that usually includes putting EVERYTHING imaginable in your mouth. I love how you wrinkle your nose, smile, and clap crazily when you're excited about seeing Daddy when he comes home in the evening. I love how you make a fish face every time you start crawling and are on a mission.

I just want you to know how much your dad, brother, and I love you and how we can't imagine our lives without you in it. I look forward to continuing to watch you grow, learn, and becoming the beautiful, intelligent, and lovely woman I know you will one day be.

With love,

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