Brace yourself for this might take awhile to read but well worth the read.
Meanwhile, we had a pretty rough day here at the casa. Cooper had had just about enough of Daniel being gone all week and well so had I! Before giving him a bath and putting his pj's on I decided I better water the plants because if I didn't they wouldn't get watered until the next day and by that time they would probably look dead and Daniel would be upset. I watered the ones on the front porch and then proceeded to go out on the back porch and water those as well. I walked back over to the door to come inside and to my surprise Cooper had locked me out! He has messed with the dead bolt lock a couple of times before but never when one of us was on the other side. I should've known this could happen eventually.....oh and I guess I should mention that the front door was also locked, garage door down, and no spare key outside, and the closest (in proximity) family to us who have a key to our house was Jim and Tricia who were at the lake. Lovely, huh?
I then began trying to coax him into unlocking the door not losing my temper for a minute. After several failed attempts I decided that I could probably get the neighbor next door to run me over to Jim and Tricia's and get a key until I heard screaming. I had left Kyleigh on the couch backed up as much as she could go (she's not rolling over yet so no harm in laying her on the couch) and when I peaked in on her a pillow had fallen over on top of her face thus smothering her. As if things couldn't get any worse.....
I looked for several things on the back porch that could be used to break the window because at this point I had to get inside ASAP. Of course I can break a window with a plastic hot dog! NOT....we had absolutely NOTHING on the back porch that I could use to break the window so I headed around to the front porch. The only thing that looked promising was a child's park bench given to Cooper by Grandma Hill last Christmas. I picked it up, ran to the back porch and shoved it into the glass. Wow I'm so broke the leg off! I know at this point you are probably thinking I made this up but even I couldn't make up a story this good.
After one failed attempt I decided to run next door to the neighbors house to get help. He followed me back over to the house and broke a small window with a hammer, got through the window and took the pillow off of Kyleigh's face. She had cried so much she went to sleep....poor baby. Everyone was fine and that was all that mattered. Needless to say I won't be making any more trips out back now without having a key hidden somewhere or one in my hand!!!!
Bless your heart! As I was reading this, my heart kind of dropped. The fear of this happening. AHhhh! We have a hidden key in the garage but what happens if I can't get into the garage? Way to be brave!!!